A1 is a consulting company that provides a full range of corporate finance and taxation services with a key specialization in transfer pricing, corporate taxation and business valuation



more information about our team
A1 founders are employees who independently manage projects and are fully responsible to customers as consultants
Our capital is longlasting experience in the management of international audit companies, tax and customs authorities
We do not quote legislation, do not talk about risks, we provide practical solution
Manager works on the project on par with the consultant
Our team is always online and do everything possible for execution project according to the deadline


For employees
Для наших співробітників і співробітників наших клієнтів, щоб зробити їх життя кращим, забезпечити їх кар'єрне зростання, підвищити професійну компетенцію і захистити репутацію
For fair business practices
Для чесного і відповідального бізнесу, допомагаючи йому будувати краще місце роботи для співробітників і створювати кращі продукти для клієнтів
For the community
Для держави, змінюючи бізнес спільнота і підходи державних органів, щоб наші з вами співробітники і їх діти (ми) могли пишатися своєю країною
For our employees and our client's employees, to make their lives better, guarantee them career growth, improve their professional level as well as protect the reputation
For transparent and responsible business, helping it to build a better working place for their employees and create better products for customers
For our society, changing business community and approaches of state authorities, for us all together be proud of our country


We do business to improve the lives of our employees, our customers' businesses, the quality of people's lives, and the prosperity of society. We know we have a long way to go and must work diligently daily, but we must achieve this.


Employees - "Being decent people”
The people in our business are a source of strength. They deserve respect, care, fair rewards, and the opportunity to contribute to the company's success. We strive to be honest, open, and constructive with each other, our customers, and the community.
Team - “To be a place for everyone”
We aim to create a team that reflects the diversity of society so that everyone's views are heard and taken into account. All ideas based on mutual respect, understanding, and tolerance are welcomed. Only through the personal contribution of each team member can we combine perspectives with ambitious ideas. In a circle of like-minded people, sharing your dreams and climbing any mountain is easy.
Be leading specialists, blaze our trail, and achieve the impossible
Set ambitious goals, prioritize, drive change, deliver, and succeed
Respond to challenges and take risks
Perseverance, hard work, and continuous self-improvement
Tolerance (acceptance) of honest mistakes


"Explaining the complex in simple terms".
We always seek the simplest, most pragmatic, and effective way to solve the client's problem. Treat it as our own and invest as much time and effort as necessary to achieve the best result.
Finish what you start, and always strive for perfection
High quality at a fair price
Fanatical attention to details


"Bringing good to people"
We are improving the world through positive action, conducting business honestly and ethically, and maintaining an impeccable reputation. We are all on this journey together, helping each other to learn, grow, and become better versions of ourselves.
Responsibility to the communities in which we operate
We strive to improve business practices, legislation, and the professional community, whatever the obstacles
We are aware of the impact of our activities on the environment. We use natural resources responsibly


"Encourage others"
Profit is a measure of our success and a means of realizing our values and mission, used as an incentive to bring ideas and opportunities to life (both inside and outside the company) rather than as a source of personal enrichment.
Keeping promises
Do not avoid answering questions
Take responsibility


Our main principle in preparing transfer pricing documentation is always abide a fiscal approach.
Наші партнери - локальні податкові консультанти в різних країнах світу, з якими ми багато років співпрацювали в період роботи в аудиторських компаніях
Ми не працюємо для тих, хто веде свій бізнес непрозоро, не цінує професіоналізм, відкриті і чесні відносини
We are trying to simulate the possible approach of the tax authorities during the tax audit, find weaknesses in the taxpayer's arguments, and identify all possible risks of additional tax liabilities.
Based on the results of such an analysis, we are preparing a justification and form arguments that will protect the taxpayer as much as possible in the case of a tax audit
Our guarantees to clients:
We do not leave client "one-on-one" with risks, and always offer solutions or an alternative approach, if traditional TP methodology does not produce results.
We always help our clients to respond to any requests of the tax authority regarding transactions, for which we prepared TP documentation or other documents.
We are not only dealing with transfer pricing documentation for Ukraine, but also for other jurisdictions according to the current rules in such jurisdictions (countries).
Our main products:
preparation of the report on controlled transactions
preparation of TP documentation
preparation of the justification for 30% adjustments
justification of business purpose in transactions with non-residents
Master file development for the group of companies
support during tax audits on TP
consultation on TP issues


The implementation of anti-BEPS rules in the Ukrainian tax legislation and the aggressive approach of tax authorities significantly complicate tax administration and increase tax risks for business.
Lots of taxpayer transactions, especially with non-residents, is under focused attention by regulatory authorities and therefore require proper structuring and documentation.
We guarantee our clients:
We do not prepare "paper" consultations - we always offer working solutions, implement them in practice and defend them in tax authorities and courts.
We perceive your tax assignment not as "writing a consultation," but as a question of the whole enterprise viability and the safety of its responsible persons.
Our main products:
compilation and verification of tax return
advice on CFC issues
justification of valid business purpose in transactions
with non-residents
advice on risks mitigation of a permanent establishment
advice on the beneficial owner's issues
nternational tax structuring
advice on various tax issues


Tax audit traditionally does not pass without additional tax liabilities. Regulatory authorities are not always focused on objective verification of the taxpayer, so audits often end in acts of significant amounts.
We help business to find the right arguments and get them in an understandable form across to the tax inspector and judge.
We guarantee our clients:
We will spend as much time as it is necessary for successful defense, a decisive victory in the court or communications with the tax authorities, regardless of the terms of the contract and the cost of services.
The safety of your business and its responsible persons is our greatest motivation and the main incentive in our daily work.
Our main products:
support during tax audits
administrative appeal of the tax audit results
court appeal of the tax audit results
execution of the court decisions
preparation of procedural documents


Understanding the fair value of assets and business is a key issue of any transaction.
We help not just calculate the monetary equivalent of value, but find and agree on a joint solution for all participants - the buyer and seller, creditors, government authorities and auditors, using a transparent methodology and source data, as well as advanced statistical models.
We guarantee our clients:
Not just using traditional methodology to determine value, but trying to understand what the value of a business is and how to find its value equivalent.
During the project, we will put all efforts to "own" your business and assets to understand its maximum value.
Our main products:
aluation for IFRS purposes
valuation for capital transactions: M&A,
restructuring, sale of shares
valuation for the purpose of entry into credit agreement
valuation for tax purposes
valuation of intangible assets
development of financial models and business plans


Our approach is to perceive your problem as our own, to know everything about your business and always go extra mile.

Volodymyr Chyzhykov
Mykola Mishyn
Dmytro Nosenko
Iryna Boltianska
Yevheniia Marushchenko
Olha Kuvaldina
Mariya Koshutska
Anna Chebotarova
Tetiana Verkhovod
Kateryna Priadko
Stanislav Kvatyrko
Olha Kroshko
Anastasiia Soroka
Oleksii Shchurko
Iryna Pavliuk
Yana Voloshyna
Fatima Shefu
Yevhen Chernov
Anna Tkachenko


Pavla Tychyny Avenue, 1B
Office A
4th floor
business@a1.consulting+38 044 300 25 60
Логотип консалтингової компанії


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